! Tip: Buy a clear oil. There is a sale burdock in a tube, it is green, this oil can stain blonde hair.
Almond oil.This oil has anti-inflammatory effect. It normalizes the sebaceous glands, strengthens and restores hair after prolonged staining, adding shine and elasticity.
A few drops of warmed in a water bath oil rubbed into the hair roots, spreading over the entire length. For oily hair - to rub into the roots for an hour before washing your hair,for dry hair - put on your hair immediately after washing, while they are still wet and warm.
Jojoba oil. a Makranworld pro
This oil is considered to be an ideal tool for hair care. It is suitable to any type of hair, but it is especially good for oily hair, as jojoba oil cleans the pores of the scalp from fat. Excellent restores and nourishes dry,damaged after chemotherapy and hair coloring. The most curious thing is that jojoba oil is completely absorbed by the skin and hair without weighing it down or leaving an oily film on the surface. Jojoba not only stimulates the growth on the head, but also the growth of eyebrows and eyelashes.
Useful to rub into the hair roots for 15 -20 minutes before shampooing or leave oil on the hair for the night.
Avocado oil
No less effective oil which is mainly used as a main component nourishing masks. Avocado oil is perfect for any type of hair. Especially recommended for dry hair, hair,prone to loss and prevention to eliminate dandruff.
To rub warm oil massage to the hair roots, spreading over the entire length 15-30 minutes before shampooing. To keep warm, you can wrap your head with polyethylene, and on top of a warm towel.
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