How to speed up metabolism ? today i am going to tell about speed up your metabolism follow the seven ways .
1. The strength training
To speed up the metabolism of the most effective and reliable way - one of the weight training. Their main secret: Biology actively Even if you do not move, not only burns fat in the classroom, but later. The work of recovery and muscle cells require more energy that fact.This excess fat deposits that can be taken is specifically.
Reality: In winter, the average body weight increased by 3.2 kg. Nutrition called lower motor activity, and overreliance on high-calorie foods of the main reasons., But the biggest danger is the New Year's holidays: In this case it is almost inevitable overeating is bad.And here is the effect: the more you weigh, the more lb has a chance to score.
2. Partial power
So better digestion of food metabolism speed, regular meals during and gradually. Better - in small portions every 2-3 hours. Should not exceed the size of the palm or glass. Of course, the food should be as few restrictions.This sweet, pastry, it is important to eliminate soft drinks. The metabolism reproaching eat to lose weight would be strange to expect, incidentally, for example, small pieces of cake with cream. Partial power often gastritis, colitis and peptic ulcer disease prescribed for.Better integrate small portions of the digestive tract overload and maintain a stable blood sugar levels did not help. But lack of appetite and overeating attack intensity.Reality:Partial power hunger hormone ghrelin produced in such large quantities, and do away with the food is not necessary.Stable whole-body periodic hungry about 15 per cent less than the calories needed.
3. Vitamin B
Thiamine (vitamin B1) and niacin (vitamin B3) is especially important for metabolism. Vitamin B1 directly involved in carbohydrate metabolism, in particular, is an important intermediate in the oxidation of glucose pyruvic acid exchange.Vitamin B3 is essential for the process of oxidation in the body that some oxidative metabolic disorder that leads to persistent shortages.
Reality. Take extra B-complex vitamins that contain these foods in your diet, try to be. Thiamine and niacin grain products, yeast, bran is mainly.Well, bread, wholemeal, buckwheat, the oats, millet grains, peas, beans, soybeans rich in hynuyl.
4. The water
Down to the cellular level in the body broken water shortages. Cytoplasm - all necessary for normal metabolism reactions occur within a living cell material.Dehydration slows down the reaction process of purification and renewal of damaged cells, it is difficult to get rid of toxins. You'd be surprised, but you drink enough, you may be swelling. So we are stocking water needed for metabolism, lymphatic drainage slow. Harmful products of metabolism accumulate and slow down the whole process.Council.On average, during the day and drink 2 liters of water recommend that all individual and depends on your activity and the number of loads. Coffee and a 1-1.5 liters. Do not count so pure non-carbonated water, tea, coffee, lemonade, need to drink.In the morning on an empty stomach to drink a glass of clean water is useful, lemon and a little honey to sweeten it can squeeze a piece. These gastrointestinal tract, liver and kidney induced will help.
5. Massages
Manually with the help of massage techniques literally can speed up metabolism.Especially effective Cellulite vacuum massage and stimulating blood circulation. Also sometimes called Thai yoga massage inactive positive effect on metabolism is. your job:- masseuse will knead in, stretch and relax as much as possible to twist your body. May result in accelerated metabolism and activates fat burning, Moreover Regulations muscles and joints strong.
Council.Every night before going to sleep hot, foot massage with hot oil. These points are located, which controls all the body's systems and by improving metabolism.
6. Fiber
Dietary fiber which make up the walls of plant cells, are abundant in the bran, cabbage, beans, apples and carrots all kinds.Fiber through the gastrointestinal tract, fat with food received and passed aususytayk acts like a broom - not digested and "sweeps" food debris, mucus and all that pollutes our bodies. Metabolic processes such treatment faster, and you are losing weight rapidly later.Council. Intermittent body, "Week" is useful for organizing -To do so within a month, eat bran 2 tbsp. Liters. 3 times per day. Then after cleaning you will be slimmer, more energetic, color, hair and improve skin condition, feel lighter.
7. Ginger, green tea, spices
Fresh ginger body absorb nutrients more efficiently and allowing transport, stimulates digestion.In addition, the B vitamins that increase oxidation hycrby antioxidants - green tea because it contains catechins nervous system and stimulates the metabolism. Furthermore Hot spices and seasonings to a functional effect on metabolism. For example, recently, scientists discovered fought contains alkaloid capsaicin in peppers that causes high adrenaline rush.It suppress the appetite and helps to speed up metabolism.
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