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Proper nutrition - the best choice for weight loss and a beautiful figure!

Only proper nutrition + sport will preserve the achieved results of a lifetime.
PP principles are.Waiver of fatty / fried / harmful / calorie.
Fast food, sweet drinks, mayonnaise, margarine, chips, sausages / hot dogs and other artificial products,a sweet pastry and baking - it is NOT food! These are empty calories and harmful trans fats! Also eliminate fatty canned, fatty cheese, cottage cheese and dairy products, lard, butter, sugar and salt limit.
          Sweet is possible only for breakfast and only natural
(Honey, dried fruit, jam or marmalade; allowed: marshmallows, jellies,low-fat ice milk) Fruits and carbohydrates - 17:00! In the evening, your metabolism slows down significantly, our physical activity decreases, respectively, the need for carbohydrates disappears. 5 meals a day: breakfast, snack-lunch-snack-dinner After the meal should stand or walk but in any case not to sit and certainly not lie!
Eat regularly - breaks between meals no more than 4 hours. With prolonged absence of food the body begins to experience stress and ceases to give zhiroovye stocks, weight loss slows down considerably. Every day, try to eat at the same time.  Dinner no later than 4 hours before bedtime  After dinner, if torturing hunger - no apples and grapefruit! Better than 1 drink a glass of skim milk or yogurt (no more than 1.5% of fat.), A cup of green tea or a glass of warm water. At least 8 glasses of pure water a day Vegetables in any form at any time in unlimited quantities (of course,not at night and not at night :)
Eat as much protein foods, especially for dinner combined with vegetables  A balanced diet
Every day, necessarily included in the diet of foods from all six groups: vegetables, fruits, dairy, carbohydrates, proteins, healthy fats Minimize the use of alcohol,and it is better to completely exclude (increases appetite and contains a huge amount of calories)
Increase the motor activity
Even a 1.5-hour training 2-3 times per week. your weight will go to 2 times faster than in the absence of classes! If not prepared to do, at least do morning exercises ... If so, and there is no time,just move as much as possible. If the weight got up to make unloading. day or more unloading. days No starvation, torturous diets and grueling workouts! All done only in a fun, so the probability of failures and bad moods and irritability will be reduced to zero.
Some restrictions - this is temporary!
Do not be discouraged you'll have to temporarily abandon some familiar vkusnya shek. Once your weight will shift with "dead spots", you can a couple of times a week, treat yourself to something delicious without harm to the figure, unless, of course, it would be a reasonable number of islands and at night :) These simple rules is more than enough for a couple of-three months to get a guaranteed eye-popping results that others will not go unnoticed! Try it, it's much easier than you think :)
B A Baloch

B A Baloch

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