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Proteins and protein products.Proteins perform important and diverse functions

Proteins (proteins from the Greek protos - first) occupy an important place in the living organism as the content in the cell (at least 45% by dry weight), and significance in life processes. The share accounted for 17% of proteins total weight "standard man" (a man 26 years old, weight 65 kg).Protein - an indispensable part of the food and the foundation of life.

Proteins perform important and diverse functions. Crucial role in the body play enzyme proteins, of which there are more than a thousand. They accelerate biochemical reactions in the body in the millions and even billions of times. High biological activity have also proteins hormones such as insulin. It is known that one gram of insulin sufficient to reduce sugar content in blood of rabbits, 125,000.

Proteins perform a structural role, participating in building membranes, contractile elements of muscle, connective tissue and bone. Transport function of proteins provides the transfer of blood to the tissues of various substances (oxygen, lipids, etc.). Protective function of proteins special type (immunoglobulin) provides immunity - a way to protect the body from internal consistency of living bodies and substances bearing the signs of alien genetic information.
If the food is depleted in carbohydrates and fats, especially under fasting conditions,proteins serve as spare nutrients and energy sources.
Lack of protein in food is a determining factor in the development of severe health problems: elementary dystrophy, growth retardation, weight reduction, lowering the body's defenses, the oppression of the endocrine glands, fatty liver, etc.Average daily protein needs for the regions of our country is defined in an amount of 80-100 g Proteins consist of 20 amino acids. L-amino acids are responsible for food and biological value protein.
Certain amino acids can not be synthesized in the body. They are called essential.These amino acids must be ingested in food composition. Balance of essential amino acids - one of the basic requirements for the protein component of foods.
For an adult may be adopted following formula balance of essential amino acids (the number of grams per day): tryptophan - 1, leucine - 4-6,izoleйcina - 3-4, treonina - 2-3, Lizzie - 3-5, methionine - 2-4, fenilalanina - 2-4, Wali - 3-4 (sm. Licence plate. 1).
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Cem Near aminokislotnый composition Blanche piщi k white composition nashego organismsmore valuable it is. From this perspective, the most valuable sources of protein are eggs, milk and meat. In plant proteins often lacks essential amino acids such as lysine, methionine and tryptophan. To get the optimal ratio of amino acids, it is necessary to strive for a successful combination of products of animal and vegetable origin.For example: grain products and milk, meat, eggs, fish, potatoes, milk, dairy products, corn, milk, peanuts, rice, beans and milk, rye, wheat and peanuts, yeast.
The body's need for protein depends on several factors: it decreases with age, in stress situations, regardless of age - increases.
Di-and full daily training of athletes, high tension during the competition, reduced immune system activity, adverse weather conditions during the competition - all this will intensify the exchange protein. At the same time the body's need for protein athletes can grow twice as compared to the norm.Proteins (amino acids) - overriding component of food. It is important to know the basic protein foods and their nutritional value.

Meat - a high-value food, a rich source of high-grade animal protein, containing all essential amino acids in large quantities and in the most favorable ratios.Beef contains the most complete proteins, which include almost all the body needs essential and nonessential amino acids.

VEAL, more tender than beef, includes more complete proteins and easily digested. Veal first and second category contains about 20% protein and 1.2% fat.PORK contains less connective tissue than beef, which makes it very soft and delicate flavor. Variety is divided into pork bacon, meat and fat, the latter containing up to 50% fat and 12% total protein. In the nutrition of athletes better to use pork meat, containing an average of 14% protein and 33% fat. It is important to take into accountpork tenderloin that contains 19% protein and 7% fat, and breast - 8% and 63%.

LAMB compared with beef contains more connective tissue, however it is more rigid. On the chemical composition lamb 2nd category roughly corresponds beef in the same category. However, somewhat less Ovine salts of potassium, phosphorus and iron.

KONIN second category is rich in complete proteins (21%), potassium salts, iron, while it contains relatively little fat (4%). The biological value of proteins horsemeat not inferior beef proteins.

Rabbit meat - perfect diet product featuring a high protein content (21%), iron, B vitaminsIt includes a sufficient amount of potassium, phosphorus, magnesium and other minerals.
BY-PRODUCTS are particularly valuable for power athletes. Many of them have a high mineral content, especially iron, vitamins, and therefore, recommended for persons with a delay of body weight, anemia.Liver particularly rich in iron, vitamins A and Group B, as opposed to other meat products it contains a large amount of ascorbic acid (vitamin C). Language is a dietary product. It contains little connective tissue that provides its high digestibility. Heart is rich in minerals, including iron,has a low percentage of body fat, enough protein. Brains contain less protein (12%) and quite a lot of fat (8.6%), but they contain valuable compounds rich in phosphorus and essential unsaturated fatty acids, which significantly increases their bioavailability. Especially rich in iron lung (10%),but in the rest of the nutritional value of the product is low.

CHICKEN MEAT contains more full and better digestible protein than beef. Chicken proteins have an optimal set of essential amino acids. The amount of fat in meat chickens and chicks is quite large (on average - 16-18%), but this fat is easily digested,as comprising certain amounts of unsaturated fatty acids and has a relatively low melting point. Chicken contains the required set of minerals and vitamins. Extractives give it a pleasant smell and taste.
Fish along with meat is one of the best sources of high quality protein.Fish proteins contain all the essential amino acids essential to the body. Unlike meat proteins in fish abound such an important essential amino acid methionine. Advantage of fish protein is low connective tissue formations.
B A Baloch

B A Baloch

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